Portfolio / White Paper Summary
Darico is a project incorporated in Switzerland. Darico Coin is a utility token that’s been designed specifically to empower people by providing them with professional and user-friendly investment tools that enable holders to make informed cryptocurrency investment decisions. Holders of Darico Coin will receive exclusive access to the entire Darico ecosystem, including the wallet, terminal, liquidity pool, Index Fund, debit card and exchange. Applicature is being their technology team.
Darico was willing to build a user and eco-friendly system. In addition, Darico developers wanted to upgrade their wallet and make it multifunctional. The wallet would include multiple features for people to hold tokens to do an exchange and get the news. Also, users could use various smart contracts of blockchain in one wallet. That’s a very convenient approach and the community loved it.
That’s a concept that Applicature’s team has developed for them. Also, we have put together the technical paper that describes all the vision of darico.