Find Applicature on Ethlance – it is the first platform for job search working on the Ethereum blockchain which requires no fees except minimal gas fees. It is a kind of thread that pulls employers and freelancers together, so it is an easy task for any user to send a proposal for a job or accept one. The only thing you need is to install the MetaMask or Ethereum’s Mist browser, and you are halfway there.
About Ethlance
Ethlance was founded by Matus Lestan on January 29, 2017, and is considered to be the first decentralized platform for a job search with zero fees. Ethlance is the first marketplace on the District0x network which sold 600 million of its tokens during the ICO and received over 43 thousand Ethers from over 2 thousand contributors.
At Applicature, we focus on blockchain and smart contracts for industry solutions, we maintain technical advisory for pre-ICO and ICO smart contracts, ERC20 and ERC223 token standard, manage smart contracts audit (autotests and manual tests), provide our customers with wallets design and its implementation.
On using ETHlance, a person can set up his searching and adjust it to various criteria: the rate of employer’s company or team, high/average payment, long-term or short-term projects, level of experience and skills. The team predicts a couple of app releases such as Whisper app that will help users with the messaging.
About Applicature
Applicature’s team members have previously gained 100% job success score on Upwork – experienced with freelance platforms; we communicate with our clients directly on skype; we use JIRA and Bitbucket for tasks management and code sharing; we are available at any time, for your convenience.
We offer you the essential maintenance of your project, hold consultations about technical issues of ICO & Token smart contracts, so you can focus mainly on your business goals.
The main phases of our support are the following:
- Conceptual token design;
- Smart contracts development;
- Autotests;
- Customer experience testing;
- Acceptance and review;
- Deployment;
- Support.